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February 19, 2024

How to Find Balance in the Midst of Flight

My Personal Journey with Somatic Exercises

In our shared journey towards awakening and healing at Wake Wellness, I've come to deeply understand the nuances of our body's responses to stress. One such response, the flight state – marked by anxiety, restlessness, and a pervasive urge to escape – has been a personal challenge in my journey of healing. Reflecting on my experiences, I realize how our bodies can hold onto past traumas, triggering a desire to flee from anything reminiscent of these painful memories. Today, I want to share with you some nervous system healing exercises that have been instrumental in my journey, helping to bring me back to a place of balance and presence.

1. Breathing: A Gateway to Tranquility

I've found great solace in deep, mindful breathing. By focusing on extending my exhales longer than my inhales, I activate the calming parasympathetic nervous system. This simple practice has been a cornerstone in easing my body's flight response, inviting a sense of serenity that often felt elusive.

2. Grounding: Connecting with the Earth

There's something incredibly powerful about feeling your feet firmly planted on the ground. Whenever I feel the tendrils of anxiety creeping in, I pause to notice the ground beneath me – its texture, its solidity. This act of grounding helps me anchor myself in the now, providing a sense of stability that is both comforting and empowering.

3. Mindful Walking: Steps Toward Peace

Incorporating mindful walking into my routine has been transformative. Each step is a conscious act of reconnecting with my body, a rhythmic reminder to stay present. As I focus on the sensation of my feet touching the earth, I find the impulse to run gradually fades, replaced by a soothing rhythm of calm.

4. Body Scanning: A Journey of Awareness

During my body scanning sessions, as I lie down and slowly shift my awareness through my body, I've learned to listen to its subtle signals. Breathing into areas of tension, I've discovered a path to release and relaxation that helps dissolve the remnants of anxiety.

5. Sensory Engagement: The 5-4-3-2-1 Technique

The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique has been a game-changer for me. Engaging all my senses to shift focus from my anxious thoughts to my immediate environment has been incredibly effective. It's a practice I turn to often, to find immediate relief in moments of distress.

Through Wake Wellness, I strive to share these tools that have aided my journey towards an 'awake' life, free from the shadows of past traumas. Remember, it's a journey, and it's perfectly okay to seek professional guidance. Our team, including myself, is here to support you at every step. Incorporate these practices into your daily life and witness the transformation within. Let's embrace this path of healing and awakening together.


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